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Persian Gulf in Treaty of 1820
The treaty of 1820 is considered the most important and also the first official treaty between the British government and the chiefs of the Arab trib ...
MOU Signing Ceremony between the SPICS and PGSC was concluded
In a simple but dignified and impressive ceremony held online today, an MoU on academic cooperation between the Saint Pierre Center for International ...
English Channel
I am pleased to say that my research on geographical names has been successful and I have managed to resolve three of the four most famous geographica ...
The Yellow Dragon Knows
Regarding the ancient Chinese empire, it is enough to know that the Great Wall of China is about two thousand years old. As far as I have researched, ...
Documents on the Persian Gulf’s name the eternal heritage of ancient time
Documents on the Persian Gulf’s name the eternal heritage of ancient time” is a book and atlas written and compiled by Dr. M. Ajam. published on 2004. ...
New realities in the Persian Gulf
2021 was a year of reconciliation and diplomacy in the Persian Gulf, and if recent signs are anything to go by, the next year may see more of the same ...
Renewable energy in Arabia
About five years ago, the CEO of the Solar and Sustainable Energy Fund, Christofer Rathke, visited Saudi Arabia. There he wanted to warn investors and ...
Sustainable Water Management
Environmental pressures and water scarcity are contributing to instability and forced migration ...
Happy Persian Gulf Day
April 29 is celebrated in Iran as ‘Persian Gulf Day’. But why do Iranians care so much about the Persian Gulf that they dedicate a day to it in their ...
The necessity of Nationalization of the Archaeological Studies
Iran was in the dark days of economic and cultural eclipse when the monopoly of archaeological excavations of the entire country was entrusted to Fran ...
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding ...
US-Saudi Relations
On Valentine’s Day 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Saudi King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud on an American cruiser, the USS Quincy, in the Suez C ...
Malvinas the Name Proved by History
“My regards and high respect to the praiseworthy nations of Britain and Argentina and to the noble and hard-working people living in these islands” ...
Interview with Prof. Ashk Peter Dahlén
Ashk Dahlén was born in Tehran in 1972 and has lived most of his life in Sweden. He is Associate Professor in Iranian Languages at Uppsala University ...
India defies unilateral US injunctions
The Indian government has for once shown itself to be both courageous and independent in its dealings with other nations by defying unilateral ukases ...