New realities in the Persian Gulf

2021 was a year of reconciliation and diplomacy in the Persian Gulf, and if recent signs are anything to go by, the next year may see more of the same.


Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding

Malvinas the Name Proved by History

“My regards and high respect to the praiseworthy nations of Britain and Argentina and to the noble and hard-working people living in these islands”

Interview with Prof. Ashk Peter Dahlén

Ashk Dahlén was born in Tehran in 1972 and has lived most of his life in Sweden. He is Associate Professor in Iranian Languages at Uppsala University and his field of study covers Persian literature, Iranian history of religion and philosophy. Ashk Dahlén is the author of several books and articles on Iranian history and among his recent publications is Antikens Persien (in Swedish).