واژه های اختصاری

لغت نامه و واژه نامه اختصاری سیاسی و جغرافیایی

لغت نامه و واژه نامه اختصاری سیاسی و جغرافیایی

موزه خلیج فارس

ژئوپلتیک خلیج فارس

اسناد خلیج فارس

نقشه های خلیج فارس

آمار سایت

بازدید روز


بازدید دیروز


بازدید ماه


بازدید کل


افراد آنلاین


Acronyms Dictionary

AAA - Anti-Aircraft Artillery
AEOI - Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
APC -Armored Personnel Carrier
AVLIS - Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation
BHRC - Benefication and Hydrometallurgical Center
BNPP - Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
BW - Biological Weapons/Warfare
CAIC - Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation
CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear warheads
CBW - Chemical and Biological Weapons
CEP - Circular Error Probable
CIA - U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
CSL - Comprehensive Separation Laboratory
CSP - Conference of States Parties
CW - Chemical Weapons/Warfare
CWC - Chemical Weapons Convention
CWD - Chemical Demilitarization Conference
DG - Director General
DHS - U.S. Department of Homeland Security
DIA - U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency
DIV - Design Information Verification
EBW - Exploding Bridgewire
EIA - U.S. Energy Information Agency
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
ERI - Education Research Institute
FEP - Fuel Enrichment Plant
FMP - Fuel Manufacturing Plant
FSU - Former Soviet Union
GA - Tabun (Chemical nerve agent)
GB - Sarin (Chemical nerve agent)
GCC (PGCC) – (Persian)Gulf Cooperation Council
GLONAS - Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS - Global Positioning System
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
IAF - Iranian Air Force
IAIO - Iranian Aerospace Industries Organization
IAP - Institute of Applied Physics
IED - Improvised Explosive Devise
IISS - International Institute for Strategic Studies
IOC - Initial Operating Capability
IR-40 - Iran Nuclear Research
IRBM - Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
IRGC - Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps
IRGCAF - Iranian Revolution Guards Corps Air Force
IS&R - Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
Isp - Specific Impulse
JHL - Jabr Ibn Hayan Multipurpose Laboratory
Kgf - Kilogram-force
KM - Kimia Maadan Company
LOW - Launch-on-warning
LRICBM - Limited Range Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
LSL - Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory
LUA - Launch-under attack
MIX - Molybdenum, Iodine, Xenon Radioisotope Production Facility Reactor
MLIS - Molecular Isotope Separation
MOIS - Iran‘s Ministry of Intelligence and Security
MRBM - Medium Range Ballistic Missile
MTRC - Missile Technology Control Regime
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC - Nuclear Biological Chemical
NCRI - National Council of Resistance of Iran
NGO - Nongovernmental organization
NIOC - National Iranian Oil Company
NPT - Non Proliferation Treaty
NTI - Nuclear Threat Initiative
OB - Order of Battle
ODNI - U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence
OPCW - Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
PFEP - Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant
PHRC - Physics Research Center
PIT - Physical Inventory Taking
PLC - Programmable Logic Control
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
PRC - Peoples Republic of China
R&D - Research and Development
SHIG - Shahid Hemat Industrial Group
SLBM - Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile
SNSC - Iran‘s Supreme National Security Council
SRBM - Short Range Ballistic Missile
SUT - Sharif University of Technology
SWU - Separative Work Units
TEL - Transporter-Erector-Launcher
TERCOM - Terrain Contour Matching
TNRC - Tehran Nuclear Research Center
TRR - Tehran Research Reactor
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
UCAV - Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles
UCF - Uranium Conversion Facility
UO2 - Uranium Dioxide
UF4 - Uranium Tetrafluoride
UF6 - Uranium Hexafluoride
WHO - World Health Organization
WME - Weapons of Mass Expenditure
WMM - Weapons of Mass Media
WMP - Weapons of Mass Panic
YRPC - Yazd Radiation Processing Center
ZKA - German Customs Office of Criminal Investigations