از سال 1700 میلادی تا امروز

نقشه های خلیج فارس Persian Gulf Historical Map's

نقشه های خلیج فارس Persian Gulf Historical Map's

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نقشه های خلیج فارس

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Persian Gulf Historical Map's


PERSIAN GULF in the World map “Universalis Orbis Descriptio” ,Latin text , from”Space Design Mgazine” , Japanese text, Tokyo ,1966






PERSIAN GULF in the “New Map of the Terraqueous Globe” , by Edward Wells , from “The Age of Reconnaissance” ,(Mentor Book) by  J.H.Parry , published by The New American Library of World Literature  , Inc  , New York , 1964




PERSIAN GULF in the World map of John Senex , 1721  A.D. , from “Maps and Prints” , by  D . C .  Gohm , published by John Giffort Ltd . , London , 1969




PERSIAN GULF in a beautiful picture of a Globe made in 1718 by Royal Academy of Sciences of France , from “La Ciel et la Terre” in “Plaisire  de France “ magazine , February 1967




PERSIAN GULF in the World map (Map Mond) , from “The New English Encyclopedia , No.53 , published by Purnell for  B.P.C.  Publishing  Ltd . , London , 1970




PERSIAN GULF in the Globe made by Gilles Robert de Vaugondy , ca .1751  A.D. , in the Mariners  Museum.from “ A Catalogue of Early Globes” , published by the America Geographical Society  , New York , 1968




PERSIAN GULF in the World map of J.G.Doppelmayer , hemispheric World map showing positions determined by astronomical observations , Nuremberg , 1733 A.D. , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo  Bagrow ,published by  C.A. Watts & co, London , 1964




PERSIAN GULF in the New map of the World , With Captain Cook’s tracks , his discoveries and those of other circumnavigator , published by Lauri & Whittle , London , Nov .   1800 A.D. , from “Descriptive Atlas of New Zealand” , by  A.H.  McLintock , Wellington  ,1960




PERSIAN GULF in the Historical map of the World  (Hemispheric) ,  from “Historisch , Genalogische ,  Geographischer  Atlas “ , by Le Sage , Litography  &  Printing  by Joh.  Velten  ,1828  A.D.




PERSIAN GULF in the Terrestia Golbe  by James Wilson , 1831  A.D. , from  “A  Catalogue of Early Globes “ , published by The American Geographical Society  , New York , 1968




PERSIAN GULF in the Small Terrest Globe ,  10 cm  ,  made by  Chambonn,nfrom “Plaisir  de France” , issue of February , 1967




PERSIAN GULF in the Hemispheric World map of “Petit Atlas de Geographie Contemporaine” , French text , by Ch.  Prigot , member of Geographic Institute of Paris . Published by Ch . Delagrave , Paris , 1850




 PERSIAN GULF in the   "map of the Globe” ,from “New Geography” ,by Wallace W.Atwood , published by Ginn   &  Co. ,New York , 1920




 PERSIAN GULF in the map of Eastern Hemispher , English text , from “New Mitchll’s Intermediate  Geography” , Philadelphia , 1921




PERSIAN GULF in the World Hemispheric map , from “Cassell’s New Atlas” , edited by Georg Philip , F.R.G.C.  , published by Cassell and Company Limited , London ,1922




PERSIAN GULF in the World Hemispheric map ,German text , from Stieler ‘ s Hand Atlas  ,by Hermann Berghaus , Berlin , 1925




PERSIAN GULF in the Eastern Hemispheric of the World   ,English text  , from “The New Encyclopedia” ,published by Dodd Mead  &  Co . New York , 1936




PERSIAN GULF in the map of Asiae Tabula Nova Multis , from “Picture Story of World Exploration” ,by  F.Odle , published by World Distributer , Manchester ,1966




SINUS PERSICUS (Persian Gulf) in the map of “Indiae Tabula Moderna” , in Ptolemy ‘ s Geographia (Strassburg 1522 ) ,  from  “Decorative Printed Maps of the 15 th  to 18  th  Centuries” , by  R,A,Skelton , published by Spring Books ,London , 1967





PERSIAN SEA in the map of South–West Asia in “Atlas Portugais de Miller”Spanish text, 1558

A.D. , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo  Bagrow ,published by  C.A. Watts & co, London , 1964




 PERSIAN SEA in the map of South of Asia and the Indian Ocean ,  Latin text , made by Diogo Home , in “Atlas Portugais de Miller” , Spanish text , 1558  A.D.  , from “Larousse Encyclopedie , 3 volume en Couleur” , published by Librairie Larrousse , Paris  ,1956.




SINUS PERSICUS (Persian Gulf) in the map of “The Empire of Prester John or of the Abyssinians” Ortelius ‘  Theatrum  (Antwerp 1538 ) , from  “Decorative Printed Maps of the 15 th to 18 th Centuries”  , by  R.A.  Skeleton , published by Spring Books , London , 1967





‘GOLFO DE PERSIA” in the map of Asia (woodcut) by “Giuseppe Rosaccio” , Latin text, in “Il  Mondo”small atlas , Florance  , 1595 . From”History of Cartography”, by Leo  Bagrow ,published by  C.A. Watts and company Limited  , London , 1964.





SINUS PERSICUS (Persian Gulf) in a part of Mercator’s Global Projection of the World , 1541 A.D. , Latin text ,from”Armenian Atlas” ,Armenian  & Russian text , published by the Academyof Sciences of the  U.S.S.R. , & Armenian Academy of Sciences, Moscow-Yervan , 1961.




SINUS PERSICUS in the map of South-West of Asia & The Indian Ocean  , Engraved  by Hendrik van Langeren  , Amsterdam  ,1596  A.D. , from “Decorative Printed Maps of the 15 th to 18 th Centuries”  , by  R.A.  Skeleton , published by Spring Books , London , 1967





SINUS PERSICUS in the map of Aisa in the 16 th Century  ,printed in Holland , picture of Hormoz Island  is seen on the top of the map





PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran and part of Southern  & Northern  Countries of the Mediterrnean Sea , French text , From “Voyages en Perse” , by Jean Baptiste Tavernier  ,Published by Club de Libraires  de France , Paris , 1964




“MER DE PERSE”(GULF  &  Persian Sea) in the map of South-west Asia ,French  & Latin  text , made by Nicola de Fer  , French  Cartographer , Paris , 1700





SINUS PERSICUS and MARE PERSICUM in the map of Asia  , by Ioh.Matth Hasio , M.P.P.O.  ,Printed in Holland by H.omann , in 1744 A.D. , Latin text .





SINUS PERSIKUS in the map of “Empire des Perses au Temps de Darius  1re.” , from “General Atlas” ,by L.Dussieux , published by Librairie Hachette  , Paris  ,1850.





PERSIAN GULF in the map of “Empire des Perses” , French text, from “Atlas Histoire et Geographie de la Terre Sainte” , made by A.  Houze , Paris  ,1850





PERSIAN GULF in the map of “Empire des Perses , Divise en  XX  Satrapies , sous Darius Premier” , from”Nouvel Atlas Geographie” , by  E.Cortambert , 1870 A.D. , French text , Publisher :Hachette , Paris





PERSIAN GULF in the map of “Arabie , Perse , Afghanistan et Baluchestan” , French text , from”Nouvel Atlas Geographie” ,  by Dee Cortambert, published by Hachette, Paris , 1872





 PERSIAN GULF in the Physical map of South-West of Asia , German text, from”Liechtenstern  &  Lange Schul Atlas “ , published by Georg Westermann Verlag , Braunschweig-Berlin , 1837.





“persischer meerbusen” (Persian Gulf) in the Political map of South-West Asia , from “Schul Atlas” , by Henry Langes , published by Georg Westermann, Braunschweig-Berlin , 1873




"SINUS PERSICUS" in the map of Alexander’s Eastern Expedition  &  Conquests , Turkish text , from “Great History of the World” , 3rd .  Volume , by Ahmad Rafiq , published by Ebrahim Helmi , director of the Islam and Askari Bookseller , Istanbul , 1919





“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the map of  “Moselems Conquests in Asia “ , and map of “The Administrative Division of Iran in the Time of Abbasid Caliphates” , from  “Historical Atlas of Islam” , Arabic  text ,by “Ustad Sheikh Mohammad Mokhtar Yunes”  , Cairo , 1922




“PERS KORFEZI”  (Persian Gulf) in the map of Alexander ‘ s  Expedition and Conquests , From “Tarih I  Tarihtenvelko Zamanlar”  (History of the World) , Printed  by “Devlet Matbaasi” , Istanbul , 1932



“KHALIJ-E-IRAN” (Iran Gulf) in the map of Arabia , Iran , Afghanistan , and Baluchestan  , made by Mohammad  Reza (the Engineer)  and  the aid of “Mirza Abbas” , by the order of “Najm-ol-Molk”  printed  in “Dar-ol-Fonun” (Colleg) , Tehran , 1933



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the map of Persian Government  &  Arab Conquests  , Arabic  text , from “Political  History of Isiam” , by Dr .  H.  Ibrahim Hasan  , First edition , Published  by  Hejazi  Printing House , Cairo , 1935



“KHALIJ-AL-AJAM”   (Persian Gulf)  in the map of Asia , Arabic text , from “Elementary Atlas for Arabian Countries” , Published by  W.   &  A.K.Johnston ‘ s  Publications  . Edinburgh , 1930



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Arabian Countries , Arabian text , from “Das Erwachen Arabiens” ,  a German  magazine , printed in Berlin , 1938



“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Iran  &  South Western Countries  of Asia , by Ismail  Ali , from “Nokhbat-al-Azhariyeh” published by Ismail University Al  Azhar , Qairo , 1933



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in two maps of South Western Countries of Asia in the time of Abbasid Caliphates , and map of the Fars and Kerman Provinces (The lands of Eastern Caliphates) , by Guy le Strange, Arabic  translation by G.  Awwad  and  B.Francis , published by Ar-Rabeta Printing House , Baghdad, 1945




“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the map of South Western Asia (under Abbasid Caliphates)from  “History of Arabs”, by Philip K.Hitti , English text, Macmillan  Co. , New York , 1956




PERSIAN GULF in the map of Middle East , from “World Atlas for Secondary School” , Hebrow text, printed in Tel-Aviv , Israel , 1962



SINUS PERSICUS in “Tabvla   I..Alexandrimagni Expeditio” , from “From Spain to Havana” , Russian text , Moscow , 1967



“KHALIJ-E-FARS” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Moselems Countries , by M.Sobhi Abdol Karim , from “The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia” , translated by Mohammad Sharif Gharbal into Arabic , published by Franklin Publications ,   Cairo , 1965



“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Islamic World (during the death of Second Caliphate) , from “History of Arabs” , by Dr.  Philip Hitti , Arabic  translation by Anis Phrijeh , published by “Dar-as-Thaqafa” , Beyrouth ,1969



SINUS PERSICUS in an Ancient Map of Iran , Showing the Kingdom of Iran in the 16 th Century , from “Iran Review” , published by Iranian Information Center , New York , 1955



PERSIAN GULF in Herbert’s Map of Persia , 1628-29  A.D. ,English text, from “Die Erforschung Persiens” , by Alfons Gabriel , published by Verlag Adolf Holzhausens NFG , Wien ,1952



SINUS PERSICUS in the “Map of Persia “ (Iran), by Theodoros Tholing , 1634 A.D. ,Latin text , from “Iran Review” published by Information  & Press Office of the Imperial Embassy of Iran , Washington  D.C. , 1961



SINUS PERSICUS in the Olearius ‘ Map of Persia , 1637-38   A.D. ,from “Die Erforschung Persiens” , by Alfons Gabriel , published by Verlag Adolf Holzhausens NFG, Wien , 1952



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran (Kingdom of Persia) in the time of Shah Abbas the great , English text , by John Speed ,1676 A.D. ,from “Iran Review” ,published by   N.I.O.C. , Tehran , 1961



SINUS PERSICUS in the map of Iran “Imperii  Persici , by Homann , Johann Baptist (1663-1724) of Nuremberg , Latin text



PERSIAN GULF & Persian Sea in the map of Persia and Caspian Sea . . . , made by Moll Herman (1680-1732) Dutch cartographer setteld in London.



SINUS PERSICUS in the “Map of Persia ,Empire” , made by Bearbeitet von Adrianus Relandus , 1695 A.D. , Latin text , from “Die Erforschung Persiens”, by Alfons Gabriel , published by Verlag Adolf Holzhausens  NFG. , Wien , 1952.



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran (Carte de Perse)  in 1724   A.D. , French text , made by G.Delisle French cartographer  &  astronomer worked in St.Petersburg Royal Academy of Sciences .



GULFE PERSIQUE  (Persian Gulf) in the map of Iran in the 18 th Century (Carte de XVIII Siecle Engrise l’Iran Actuel) , from “La Perse Millenaire” , by Noel Balif , published by B.Arthaud Paris , 1958



SINUS PERSICUS in the map of Iran (Persia)  by Matthaei Seutteri , 18 th Century ,Latin text , from “Voice of Iran” , a magazine published by Imperial Iranian Embassy of Wien , 1968



GOLFO DI PERSIA IN “Nuoua Carta del Regno di Persia “ (Map of Persian Empire at the safavid Time” by Isak Tiron (Printed in Amsterdam) , from Persian translation of Pietro de la Valle , translated by Shoaed-dine-Shafa  Tehran



PERSIAN GULF in “Carte de Perse Ancienne” ,made by Th.Duvotenay  (Geographer) ,French text, from “La Perse” , by M.L.Dubeaux,published by Librairede de Firman Didot,Paris , 1881.



PERSIAN GULF in the General map of Iran (Shores of Persian Gulf) , made by M.R.Bukingham, English text, London , December 1828



PERSIAN GULF in the map of “The West of Iran” , from “La Perse , La Chaldee et la Susiana”, by nme  .Jane Dieulafoiy ,French text , published by Hachette , Paris , 1887



PERSIAN GULF in “Carte du Royaume de Perse” , from “Du Khorassan a Pay de Bakhtiaris” , by Henry Rene d’Allemagne , published by Hachette , Paris , 1907



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Persia , by B.H.Warren ,made and engraved by Fisher , in the end of 19 th Century A.D. , London .



“KHALIJ-AL-AJAM”   (Persian Gulf)  in the map of Iran ,Afghanistan ,Baluchistan , from “Premier Atlas of the World” , Arabic text , by W.A.K.Johnston Ltd. , Edinburg  -  London , 1924.



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Persia , English text , from “Permier Atlas of the World” , English text , published by W.A.K.Johnston Ltd. , Edinburg  -  London , 1924.



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran , Arabic text , from  “Ad-Donya” , Arabic magazine , Special Number for Iran , Cairo , 1939



“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Iran , Arabic text ,  from “Al Thaqafa” , Arabic magazine , Special Number for Iran , Cairo ,1939



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran “Rout Marco Polo” , from “Marco Polo in Persian” , by Alfons Gabriel , published by Verlag Typographiche Anstalt , Wien  , 1963



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Persia, in 18 th Century A.d. , from “The Fall of Safavi Dynasty and the Afghan Occupation of Persia”, by Laurence Lockhart, translated in Farsi by M.Gh.Emad , Tehran . 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran , German text , from “Mittellungen Furausland-sbeziehungen Gecrudet Institut” , a magazine , Berlin ,1960.



PERSIAN GULF in “The Complete Map of Iran” ,Persian text , published by Hosein , director of Eqbal Bookshop , Istanbul , 1930
