از سال 1470 تا 1700 میلادی

Persian Gulf Historical Map's

Persian Gulf Historical Map's

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Persian Gulf Historical Map's 

PERSIAN GULF in the Woodcut World map in the German Ptolemy, Nuremberg 1490 A.D. ,Latin text. The earliest printed World map in two colours.From“History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow ,published by C.A.Watts and Co , London , 1964

PERSIAN GULF in the Henricus Martellus ‘ World map , 1492 A.D. ,English text, from”Maps and Their Markers”, by G.R.Crone, Librarian and map curator , Royal Geographical Society, London, 1966


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Henricus Martilus Germanus , 1480 A.D. , from “Barid-ash-Sharq”(Orient Post)Arabic magazine , by Ahmad-el-Khayyat, printed in koln (Germany), 1965


PERSIAN GULF in the manuscript World map of Henricus Martilus Germanus , 1480 A.D. , from “Great Ages of Man , Age of Exploration” , by John R.Hale , published by Time-Life International , Amsterdam, 1966


PERSIAN GULF in the Global map made in 1491 A.D. ,by Bohemus Norib , Latin text, from “History of Maps & Making “ , by A.Nathway, Golden Press , New York, 1963
PERSIAN GULF in the Global map made in 1492 A.D. , from “How the World , Lives & Works“, by A.F.Brigham, Late Prof . of geology , Colgate Univ . , American Books Co. , New York , 1951




PERSIAN GULF in the World Map according to Behaim , 1492 A.D. , (The original globe is 20 inches in diameter) , from “Histoire de 406 a 1610”, by .Bonifacio, Classiques Hachette , Paris , 1961


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map according to Martin Behaim , 1492, from “Famous Explorers”, by Lady Plowden , published by Macdonald Junior Refrence Library , London , 1969



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map according to Martin Behaim , 1492 A.D. ,translated into Farsi from French text of “Histoir des temps Modernes” , by Albert Malet , translator : Dr.Seyyed-Fakhr –ed-Din Shademan , published by Ebne-Sina Library , Tehran
PERSIAN GULF in the Lenox Globe (1500-1510) , from 17th Vol . of “Encyclopedia Britannica” , New York , 1911.


“Carte du Monde Allemande” by Imago Mundi , 1500 A.D. , from “La Terre est Ronde” , by Frank Debenham , published by Editions du Pont Royal , Paris , 1958


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Johanne de la Kossa “Mapa Mundi “(The Capitan of Cristopher Columbus ‘ Fleet ), A.D. ,Spanish text , This precious map is the first one in which the lands discovered by Columbus are considered as blonging to a New World .from “The Life and Times of Colombus”, by Enzo Orlandi published by Paul Hamlyn London , 1967


PERSIAN GULF in the Cantino World map , 1502 A.D. , Spanish text , Original : Modena,Biblioteca Estenes. From “Age of Exploration” , by John R.Hale , Time-Life International , Holland ,1966


PERSIAN GULF in the anonymous Italian World map , known as the “King-Hamy”map, post 1502 A.D. , Original :Huntigton Library , San Marino (California), From “History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts and company , London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in woodcut Ptolematic World map , by Gregor Reisch in”Margarita Philosophica” Strassburg , 1504 A.D. , Latin text , from”History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts and company , London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in a part of Contarini map of the World , 1506, Latin text ,from “La Terre est Ronde” , by Frank Debenham, published by Edition du Pont Royal , Paris , 1961, printed in Italy


PERSIAN GULF in the Contarini World map , 1506 A.D. ,English text, from “Maps and Their Makers”, by G.R. Crone , Librarian and map curator , Royal Geographical Society ,London, 1966


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Wldseemuller , 1507 A.D. , (woodcut 12 sheets , Schloss Wolfegg) , from “Cours d’Histoire des Temps Modernes”, by J.Issac & A.Alba , published by Hachette, Paris , 1959


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map by Johannes Ruysch, in the editions of Ptolemy , Rome 1507-8
From”The Edinburg World Atlas” , John Bartholomew & Son Ltd . , Edinburgh, 1962.



PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut globe gores.This interrupted map is believed to have been made by Martin Waldseemuller in 1507 . From “The Making of Maps” , by W.Gordon East , published by Marshall Cavendish Books Ltd. , printed by Proost , Tournhant , Belbium , 1969


PERSIAN GULF in the “Carta Marina” of Waldseemuller , 1507 A.D. , Latin text , Original Woodcut , 12 sheets Schloss Wolfegg , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts and co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Bernardus Sylvanus in the edition of ptolemy, Venice 1511 A.D. , This World map was the first to be printed in two colours .From”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts and co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut World map in Gregor Reisch ‘ Margarita Philosophica , Strassburg 1513 ,from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A. Watts and co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut World map on globular projection by Johannes Stabius , designed by Albrecht Durer , 1515 A.D. , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts and co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the “Ingolstadt Globe” , 1518 A.D. , from “A Catalogue of Early Globes” , published by The American Geographical Society , New York , 1968


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Peter Abian , 1520 A.D. , Latin text , from “Geographical World Almanac” ,Russian text ,printed in Moscow , 1966


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Diego Ribero , drawn in (about) 1521 A.D. , from “Tout L’Univers , a Pictorial Encyclopedia” , No . 1964 published by Hachette , Paris


PERSIAN GULF in a colored picture of a manuscript World map in gores , by Francesco Ghisolfi , engraved in 16th Century .From”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts and company Limited . London , 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Oronce Fine , 1521 A.D. (Open heart Projection) , from “Alpha Encyclopedia” ,French text, Paris , 1969


PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut World map by Laurent Fries ,in his edition of Ptolemy , Strassburg 1522. From”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts & co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut Globe gores by Johann Schoner , Nuremberg , 1523 A.D. , Latin text , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts & co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in a decorative map made seven years after Magelan’ Voyages, by Salviatie, 1527 A.D. , The original of this map is preserved in the Library of Medicco Laurenziana, Florance . From “Age of Exploration” , by John R.Hale ,Life =Time International , Holland , 1966


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Diogo Ribeiro , 1527 A.D. , Latin text , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A. Watts & co . London , 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut World map by Pietro Coppo in his Portolano , Venice , 1522 A. D. , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts & co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Peter Abian , 1528 A.D. , Latin text , from”History of Humanity” , Russian text , printed in St.Petersburg , 1896


PERSIAN GULF in the woodcut World map on Oval Projection in Bordone’s Isolario, Venice ,1928 A.D. , after a design by Francisco Rosselli , from “Tortenelmi Atlas” , published by Kartografia, Vallalat , Budapest, 1961


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Peter Apilan , 1530 A.D. ,(The projection of open heart) from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts & co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Oronce Fine “Nova et Integra Universi Orbis Descriptio” , Latin text, 1531 A.D. , from “Geographical Magazine “ , London , 1944 Original : British Museum .


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Sebastian Munster in Simon Grynaeus ‘ Orbis Novus, Basle , 1532 A.D , Latin text , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts & co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the Mercator ‘ s map of 1538 ,naming North America & South America for the first time.From “History of maps”, by Lloyd A.Brown , Bonanza Books , New York


PERSIAN GULF in the Mercator ‘ s World map (Open heart projection), A. D. ,Russian text, from “General History of the World” , Russian text, U.S.S.R. Academy of Scienses , Moscow , 1956


PERSIAN GULF in the Global Projection of the World ( in 36 gores) by Alfonso de Santa Cruz , 1542 A.D. ,Latin text , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A. Watts and co . London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map Oronce Fine , Latin text, 1544 A.D. ,from “La Civilisation de la Renaissance” , by Jean de Lumeau, published by Arthaud , Paris , 1967



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Peter Apilan ‘s Cosmographia , edited by Gemma Frisius, (Antwerp , 1545 A.D. ) , from “Decorative Printed Maps of 15 th to 18 th Centuries” , by R.A. Skelton F.S.A. , published by Spring Books , London , 1967


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Jouhan Stompif “Universalis Cosmographia” , 1552 A.D. , from “Old Suiss Maps & Their Makers “ , by Elvin , in Geographical Magazine , London , oct .1946


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Lopa Homen , 1554 A.D. , Spanish text , Original : Paris , Biblioteque Nationale , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A. Watts & co, London , 1964 

PERSIAN GULF in Planisphere manuscript by Nicolas. Desliens . Clishes: Paris , Biblioteque Nationale , 1566 A.D. , from “Geographia” , French magazine , Paris , April 1958

PERSIAN GULF in the World Map by Battista Agnese . The first circumnavigation World map in an atlas drawn by battista Agnese in Venice in 1545 A.D. , Showing the track of Magellan ‘ s Voyage round the World in 1519-28 A.D. , From “The Age of Reconnaissance” , by J.H.Pasisy , Mentor Books , New York , 1963



PERSIAN GULF in the outline of Mercator’s World map , 1569 A.D. , from “Maps & Their Makers” , by G.R.Crone , Librarian and map curator , Royal Geographical Society , London , 1966



PERSIAN GULF in the Mercator’s chart of the World , 1569 A.D. , Latin text, from “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Volume 17 th , printed in New York , 1911



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Mercator , 1569 A.D. , Latin text , from “The Wide World , a Geography” , by Preston E.James , the chairman of Geography Dept . , Syracuse Univ . , McMillan Co . , New York , 1962



PERSIAN GULF in “Carte Cosmographia” , by Jan Cassine , 1570 A.D. , from “Terre des Hommes” , No . 36 , Air France Review , Paris , 1967



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map “Typvs Orbis Terrarvm “ by Abraham Ortelius of Antwerp, 1571 A.D. , Latin text . From “Atlas of History and Culture”published by Georg Westermann Verlag , Braunschweig, 1964




PERSIAN GULF in the Oriental Hemisphere of the World made by Cl .Girau Don.
Bottom : PERSIAN GULF in the Oriental Hemisphere and Polar projection made by Cl .Girau Don.from “La Decouverte de la Terre” , by Charles de la Roncier , Larousse & Paris Match , Paris , 1963 “A History of Astronomy” ,by Charles Albert Reichen , published by Hathworn Books Inc . , New York , printed in Switzerland , 1963



PERSIAN GULF in “Orbis Terre Compendiosa Descriptio” by Gerard Mercator , 1578 A.D. , Latin text .From “The History of Humanity” ,Russian text , printed in St.Petersburg , 1896




PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Rumold Mercator “Orbis Terre Compendiosa Descriptio” 1578 A.D. , Latin text , , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A. Watts & co, London , 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the map of the World “Orbis Terrarvm Typvs de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus” by Petro Plancio , 1594 A.D. , Latin text , from “Sohlmans Varldsatlas” ,by Prof . Karl Erik Bergsten , (professor of Lunds University) , published by Sohlmans Forlag Stockholm (Sweden) , 1962



PERSIAN GULF in “The World That Elizabeth Knew” , 1603 A.D. ,from :”National Geographic Magazine” , No . 5 , Vol .134 , Dec .1967 , Washington D.C.



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Edward Wright ,1599 A.D. ,from “The Edinburg World Atlas” , Published by John Bartholomew & Son Ltd . , Edinburg , 1962



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Philipp Echebrecht ,after Johannes Kepler ,1630 A.D. , This map incorporates the determination of places obtained by the astronomer Kepler . From”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow ,published by C.A. Watts & co, London , 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Henr Hondio ,1630 A.D. , Latin text , from “Booklet about maps” ,from “Puffin Picture Books” , published by Penguin Books Ltd . , London , 1961 . Orig . British Museum



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of “Orbis Terrarum Descriptio Doubis Planis Hemisphaeriis Comprehesa” made by Johann Jamssontes , Latin text . from “Novel Atlas de Monde: , 1832



PERSIAN GULF in “Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographia ac Hydrographia Tabula” , by jean Blaeu , 1648 A.D. ,Latin text , from “Age of Exploration” , by John R.Hale , published by Time - Life International ,Amsterdam , 1966



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Mundus Subterraneus , 1665 A.D. , Latin text , from”The History of Humanity” ,Russian text ,printed in St.Petersburg , 1896



PERSIAN GULF in the “Typus Orbis Terrarum” hemispheric World map , Amsterdam , 1673 A.D. , from “La Revue Francaise” ,Paris , 1958



PERSIAN GULF in the hemispheric World map by B.Ferdinand Verbiest” , Peking , 1674 A.D. ,(woodcut) , Chinese text , from “General History of the World”,Russian text, published by Science Academy of U.S.S.R . , Moscow ,1959



PERSIAN GULF in the World map of Gerard and Leonard Valk in “Atlas de la Navigation et du Commerce” , printed in Amsterdam . From “Artigionato”Italian Magazine , March 1966 ,Firene , Italy.



PERSIAN GULF in the World map (Oriental & Occidental Hemispheres) , Japanese text , 17 th Century A.D. ,from “Space Design Magazine”, Tokyo , 1966



PERSIAN sea in a translatin of Persian World map ,17 th Century (Modern copy), thr original lost, From “”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow ,C.A. Watts & co, London , 1964

