از سال 400 تا 1470 میلادی

Persian Gulf Historical Map

Persian Gulf Historical Map

موزه خلیج فارس

ژئوپلتیک خلیج فارس

اسناد خلیج فارس

نقشه های خلیج فارس

آمار سایت

بازدید روز


بازدید دیروز


بازدید ماه


بازدید کل


افراد آنلاین



Persian Gulf Historical Map's

The Zonal World Map by Macrobius ,400 A.D.from “Encyclopedia Britannica”,Volume XVII ,New York, 1911



The Zonal World Map by Macrobius ,400 A.D. from “The History of Humanity” Russian text ,printed in St.Petersburg,1896

PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes . 535 A.D. ,Latin &Greek text ,From”Children &Youths Encyclopedia” , Russian text ,Moscow 1958


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes , 535 A.D. , English text ,
From “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Volome XVII ,New York ,1911



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes , 535 A.D. ,Arabic text ,
From “Elm –al- Kharaet” (cartography ),By Dr .M.A.K.Sobhi , University of Cairo ,



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes , 535 A.D. ,Russian text , from “vakrok Sevta”(Around the World) , Monthly Science & Geography Magazine , Russian text , No.6 , Moscow , 1948


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes , 535 A.D. , Latin & Greek text , From “The Story of Maps “ , by Loyd A.Brown , Bonanza , Books , New York , 1949
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes , 535 A.D. , English text , from“Living Geography ,How Countries Differ” by Ellsworth Huntington , The Macmillan co . , New York , 1936



Another picture of the World Map of Cosmos Indicopleustes , Latin text , from “Atlas a la Decouverte du Monde” , a monthly magazine , Ferench rexr , issue No . 5 , December 1966


The World Map by Isidore of Seville , 570 - 636 A.D. , from “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Vol . XVII , New York , 1911


The World Map of Insidor of Seville , 570 – 636 A.D. , from “Elam – al -- Kharaet “(cartography) , by Dr .M.A.K.Sobhi, Univ . of Cairo ,1966
The World Map of Insidor of Seville , 570 – 636 A.D. , from “The Story of Maps”, by Lloyd A . Brown, Bonanza Books Co . , New York , 1949


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Albi , 8 th Century , Latin text , from “History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts & Co . London , 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Albi , 8 th Century , Latin text , from “The History of Humanity” , Russian Edition , printed in St.Petersburg 1896



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Albi , English text , from”Encyclopedia Britannica”, Vol . XVII , New York , 1911


The World Map of Beatus , 776 A.D. , Latin text , from”Encyclopedia Britannica”, Vol .XVII , New York , 1911



The rectangular World Map of Beatus , made in 787 A.D. , FROM “The Story of Maps”, by Lloyd A.Brown , Bonanza Books , New York , 1949


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of St.Beatus ,drawn in a Spanish Monastry in 8th Century , from “World Great History”, Turkish text, by Ahmad Rafigh , Islam & Askary Liberty , E.Helmi , Istanbul , 1949


The world map of Mohammad – ebne Musa Al – Kharazmi, Which Was drawn by the order of ma ‘ amun , Abbassid Caliph and is named “Sovar – el – Ma’amuniyeh “, from “Al – Ostaz” (The Professor) , the yearbook of the College of Education , University of Baghdad, 10 th Vol . , 1962 , article by “The maps of Early Arab Geographers” , by Dr.Ebrahim Shokat , Director of Geography Dept.Univ. of Baghdad.



This so-called “T-in-o”map is one of a series of sketches of earth consepts held by early man,from “Geography in World Society”, by Alfred H. Meter , J.B.Lippincott Co . Philadelphia , 1963


a.The divine perfection and simplicity of the “T-in-O”(“Orbis Terrarum”) appealed to the medieval mind.
b.Persian Gulf in these cartograms were used in medival Arabic school maps.
from” Principles of Cartography “,by Erwin Raisz,McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc . New York 1962



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the world map of Abuzeid Sahl-e-Balkhi in “Sovar-el-Aqalim” ,
943 A.D. ,Arabic text , from “Motavar-al-khat-al Arabi” (Atlas of Arabic Cali-graphy), by Naji Zain-ed-Din ,publications of the Iraq Academy, Baghdad , 1968


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Estakhri , 950 A.D. , Latin text , from”The History of Humanity”, Russian Edition , St.Petersburg,1896


“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the world map of Estakhri , 950 A.D. ,Arabic text, Picture from beautiful manuscript of “History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A.Wattts & Co. Ltd. , London, 1964


“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the world map of Abu-Es ‘ haq Ebrahim Estakhri , 950 A.D. Persian text , from “Masalek va Mamalek”, edited by Iraj Afshar , B.T.N.K,Tehran , 1961



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Mas ‘ udi , 956 A.D. , Arabic text , from “Elm-al-Kharaet”,by Dr.M.A.K.Sobhi , Univ . of Cairo , 1966


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Abolhasan Mas ‘ udi , 956 A.D. ,Persian text, from “Tohfat-ol-Afaq”, by Mehdi Qoli Hedayat , Printed in Tehran , 1938



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Mas ‘ udi , 947, A.D., Latin text, from “The History of Humanity “ , Russian text , St.Petersburg, 1896


“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the world map of Ebne Howqal , 976 A.D. , Arabic text, from “Surat-ol-Arz” , Arabic text ,published by Dar Maktabat-ol-Hayat , Beirut,
“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the world map of Ebne Howqal , 976 A.D. , Arabic text, from “Configuration de la terre “ ,translated by J.Hkramers and G.Weit, published by G.P.Maisonneuve et Larose , Paris , 1948



PERSIAN GULF in the Aglo-Saxon map of the World, 10th Century A.D.English text , from “Atlas or Armenia”, Russian & Armenian text ,Yerevan , 1961


PERSIAN GULF in the “Cottonian “or “Anglo-Saxon” map of the World , English text , 10-11 th Century , (East is the top) , Original : British Museum , from “History of Cartography “ , by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts & Co . , London , 1964


The World map of Ebn –e—Yunes Mesri , 1007 A.D. From “Al-Ostaz”(The Professor), the yearbook of the College of Education , University of Baghdad , 10th Vol . , 1962 , article by “The maps of Early Arab Geographers” , by Dr.Ebrahim Shokat , Director of Geography Dept.Univ.of Baghdad.



PERSIAN GULF in the “Anglo- Saxon”World map , 10th Century A.D. , English text , from “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Vol . XVII , New York , 1911 (East is the top) , Orig . British Museum.


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Abu-Reyhan Biruni , 1030 A.D. , Latin text , (Original from details , from “Asia Adventures of Exploration” (maps by Bartholemew) , London , 1948

KASHGHARI the World map of “Kashghari” , 1076 A.D. , Turkish text , from “History of Crtography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts & Co . London , 1964


70SINUS PERSICUS in the World map of St. Civery , 11th Century A.D. , Latin text , (East on the top), from “The History of Humanity “, Russian text , St.Petersburg , 1896


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Lambert, 1120 A.D. , from “Encyclopedia Britannica”, Vol . XVII , New York , 1911
The World mapof Sallust , 11th Century , Latin text , from “The History of Humanity”, Russian Edition, St.Petersburg , 1896
“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the world map of Edrisi , 1160 A.D., English text, from “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Volume XVII , New York , 1911


“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the Great World map of “Edrisi” , 1160 A.D. , Latin text , from”New Iraq”monthly magazine, published by Iraqi National Guidance Ministry , Baghdad
“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the Edrisi World map, 1154 A.D. , German text , from “Volker Staaten und Kulturen” , Georg Westermann Verlag , Braunschweig , 1956


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Edrisi , 1160 A.D. , Persian text, from “Tohfat – ol- Afagh” , by Mehdi Qoli Hedayat , Tehran , 1948
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Edrisi ,1154 A.D. , English text , from “Geograohical Magazine” , June , 1946


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Edrisi ,1160 A.D. , Persian text , from “The History of Islamic Civilization” by Prof .Gostave Le Bonne , translated be the late Scholar S.M.T.Fakhr – e –Daee Guilani , Tehran , 1944

“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the Great World map of “Edrisi” , 1160 A.D. , Arabic text ,from “Qafelat –oz—Zeit” magazine,”History of Moslem’s Geography” essay by Dr.A.R.Abu Hosein, Professor of “Ash- Shariat”Faculty, Mecca , Printed in Zahran , Saudi Arabia , 1966

“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the Great World map of Edrisi , 1160A.D. , Latin text from “The History of Humanity”, Russian ed. St.Petersburg, 1896
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Edrisi ,1160 A.D. , English text, from “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Volume XIV , New York , 1929


Picture of manuscript World map of Beatus, 12th Century Original : Altamira , from”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow, published by C.A. Watts and Co. , London , 1964


Picture of manuscript World map by Mathew Paris , .A.D.1350 , Original :British Museum, from ”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts and Co. , London 1964



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Psalter , German text , from “Volker Saaten und Kulturen” , Georg Westermann Verlag , Braunschweig, 1956
PERSIAN GULF in the manuscript World map of Ebstorf , drawn by Gervase of Tilbury , in 1253 A.D. , from ”History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts & Co . London ,1964



PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Guilaume of Rubruquis , 1220-1293 , Latin text, from “L’Encyclopedia de Tous le Pays du Monde” , French text , publisher:Alpha, Paris , 1969


“DARYA- YE- FARS”(Persian Gulf)in the World map of “Ashkal-ol-Aalam”, by Abolqasem Ahmad Jeyhani , 1219 A.D. , from “Iranica Twenty Articles” by V.Minorsky, Professor of London University , Published by Tehran University , Tehran , 1964
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Boris Davson of Cairo , 14th Century , from “History of Islamic Civilization” by Prof .Gostave le Bonne , translated into Persian by the late scholar , S.M.T.Fakhr Daee Guilani


PERSIAN GULF in the “Psalter”mappamundi , 12th Century A.D. , Orig.British Museum , (East on the top) , from “A History of the Holy Land”, edited by Michael Avi-Yonah, published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson , London, 1969, printed in Israel


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Hereford, 1280 A.D. , Latin text, from “Maps , Topographical Statistical”by T.W.Birch,published by:Oxford University Press, London , 1964
PERSIAN GULF in the Hereford World map, 1276 A.D. , German text, from “Marcopolo in persian”, by Alfons Gabriel , Verlag Typographische Anstalt , Wein , 1963


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Hereford, 1280 A.D. ,French text, (East to the top), from “Histoir de 406 a 1610 “ , by A.Bonifacio , Prof . of history , Hachette , Paris , 1959
PERSIAN GULF in the Hereford World map, 1280 A.D. , Latin text , from “The History of Humanity” , Russian text , St.Petersburg, 1896


PERSIAN GULF in the Agathodaemon World map in a Greek manuscript of Ptolemy ‘ s Geographia, 13th Century , (The first World map for Ptolemy’s Geographia) , form “History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , published by C.A.Watts & Co.London, 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Ebn-e-Saeed, 13th Century A.D. , Arabic text, Original:Oxford , Bodleian Library , from “History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow published by C.A.Watts & Co.London, 1964


“DARYA- YE- FARS”(Persian Gulf)in the World map of Saraj-ed-Din Abu Hafez Omar-ebne-Alvardi , 1292 A.D. , Latin text from “The History of Humanity”, Russian text, printed in St.Petersburg, 1896
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Pisane, 13th Century A.D. , French text, from “Alpha Encyclopedia” , Paris , 1968


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Petrus Vesconte , 1320 A.D. , Latin text, from”History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow C.A.Watts & Co. ,London, 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Petrus Vesconte , 1320 A.D. , Latin text, from “Encyclopedia Britannica”, Volume XVII , New York ,1911


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Petrus Vesconte , 1320 A.D. Russian text, from “General Encyclopedia of the World” , Russian text, St.Petersburg ,1886
PERSIAN GULF in a Probable view of Marco-Polo’s own geography in 13th-14th century , from “Geographical Magazine” , April 1955 , London


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Medici Atlas ,Latin text, Orig . Florence,Biblioteca Laurenziana , from”History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts & Co. London, 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Ranulf Higen , 14th Century ,Latin text, from”History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts & Co. London, 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Ranulf Higen A.D. ,latin text, form”Larouss Histoire General des Peuples”, Vol.l, Paris , 1925 , Original: British Museum.
A map of the World made in the time of Charles V , between 1364 and 1372 , from”The Story of maps”, by Lloyd A.Brown ,Bonanza Books ,New York, 1949


PERSIAN GULF in the Catalan World map, from”Maps and their Makers”, by G.R.Crone,Librarian and map curator,published by Royal Geographic Society, London

PERSIAN GULF in the Catalan World map, English text, 1375, from”Encyclopedia Britannica” , Volume XVII , New York , 1911


The World map of Pierre d’Ailly (Petrus de Alliaco) , manuscript:Ymago Mundi1410 A.D. , (North to the top), Original:Paris , National Library
Form “History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow , C.A. Watts & Co. , London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the Borgia World map engraved onn iron , 1410 A.D. , Latin text, (South is the top) , Original :Vatican Library , from “History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow, published by C.A.Watts & Co.London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Andre Binaco , 1436, A.D. , English text ,from “Men & Nations , A World History” by Mazour and Peoples , Harcourt Brace & World Inc . , New York ,1959


The World map of Pirrus de Noha, 1414 , French text , accompanying a manuscript of Pompinius Mela , in Biblioteca Vaticana, from“History of Cartography” , by Leo Bagrow, published by C.A.Watts & Co.London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Pomponius Mella , manuscript by Pirrus de Noha , 1414 A.D. , from “Geographia” a monthly magazine , French text, Paris , 1958
The World map of Pomponius Mella , French text, from “L’Histoire Vivante” , by S.Chaulanges, published by Delagrave , Librairie, Paris , 1961


PERSIAN GULF in the Catalan World map, 1450 A.D. , Latin text , Original : Modena , Biblioteca Estense from “Children & Youth ‘ s Encyclopedia , Russian text , Moscow , 1968


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Genoese,1457 A.D. , English text, from “Encyclopedia Britannica” , Volume XVII , New York , 1911


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Fra-Mauro , 1460 A.D. , Latin text, from “The History of Humanity”, Russian ed. , St.Petersburg , 1896
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Fra-Mauro , 1459 A.D. , Latin text, picture from manuscript in Venice , Biblioteca Marciana , from “History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts and Co. , London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Fra-Mauro , 1459 A.D. , English text,from “Encyclopedia Britannica” ,Volume XVII , New York , 1911
PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Fra-Mauro , 1460, a camaldulian monk , Latin text,from “Tout l’Univers, Encyclopedia” , published by Hachette, Paris 1963


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Imago Mundi 15th .Century , from :The History of Humanity”, Russian text, St.Petersburg , 1896


A Chinese World map, the end of 15th Century, Original :British Museum, from “La Terre est Rond” , by Frank Debenham , Editions du Pont Royal, Paris , 1958


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Toscanelli , drawn by Paolo del Pezzo , from “The Life and Times of Columbus” , by Enzo Orlandie , published by Paul- Hamlin , London ,1968


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of Toscanelli , drawn by Paul del Pezzo in 1457 A.D. , Original in the “Biblioteca Nazionali”in Florance , from “Knowledeg Encyclopedia” , No 122. Published by Purnell & Son Ltd . , Paultan , Nr , Bristol , Great Britain , 1965


PERSIAN GULF in the World Map of “Gioielli Uno Erre nel Mondo “ , 1457 A.D. ,FROM “Artigionato” Italian magazine , March 1966 , Firene , Italy.


PERSIAN GULF in the Ptolemic World mao in the Zeitz Atlas , 1470 A.D. , Latin text, from“History of Cartography”, ”, by Leo Bagrow , C.A.Watts and Co. , London , 1964


PERSIAN GULF in the circular World map in a Ptolematic Atlas , 1470 A.D. , Original:Stiftsbibliothek , Zeitz. from“History of Cartography”, by Leo Bagrow ,published by C.A.Watts and Company , London , 1964 